JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

Infinispan 5.2

Contributing - API, Commons and Core

In order to provide proper separation between public APIs, common utilities and the actual implementation of Infinispan, these are split into 3 modules: infinispan-api, infinispan-commons and infinispan-core. This separation also makes sure that modules, such as the remote clients, don't have to depend on infinispan-core and its transitive dependencies. The following paragraphs describe the role of each of these modules and give indication as to what goes where.


The infinispan-api module should only contain the public interfaces which can be used in any context (local, remote, etc). Any additions and/or modifications to this module must be discussed and approved by the team beforehand. Ideally it should not contain any concrete classes: rare exceptions may be made for small, self-contained classes which need to be referenced from the API interfaces and for which the introduction of an interface would be deemed cumbersome.


The infinispan-commons module contains utility classes which can be reused across other modules. Classes in infinispan-commons should be self-contained and not pull in any dependencies (apart from the existing jboss-logging and infinispan-api). They should also make no reference to configuration aspects specific to a particular environment.


The infinispan-core module contains the actual implementation used for local/embedded mode. When adding new functionality to the APIs, it is generally safe to start by putting them in infinispan-core and promoting them to infinispan-api only when it is deemed to do so and it makes sense across the various use-cases.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:21:37 UTC, last content change 2011-11-03 15:16:08 UTC.